Tiếng Việt Tiếng Anh
    On February 5, 2018, AP SAIGON PETRO and private enterprise Nguyen Thanh Tam, the official distributor of Saigon Petro lubricants in Ha Tien Town, successfully organized a customer appreciation party at the restaurant. Ancient Ha Tien. The first conference was held in Ha Tien town, but our company was honored to welcome nearly 100 customers who are owners of fishing boats and famous mechanics of the town.

    Opening the Conference Mr. Cao Vinh Phong - Head of Boat Lubricant Department representing the company gave the opening speech of the Conference and especially sent New Year wishes to Agent Nguyen Thanh Tam and all distinguished guests as well as sending greetings Thank you for the trust and companionship of customers during the past year for Saigon Petro's lubricants.


    To affirm the long-term and close cooperation relationship, AP SAIGON PETRO awarded the certificate of Exclusive Distributor of Saigon Petro lubricants in 2018 in Ha Tien town to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tam - Sales Director. Nguyen Thanh Tam private enterprise. On this special occasion, the company also officially informed customers about the signing of a product liability insurance contract with a total value of VND 20,000,000/case for 03 boat lubricant products: SP Marino, SP Marino Turbo, SP Centur Gold all quality grades. This is a strong testament to the company's commitment to absolute consistent product quality.


    This commitment has been agreed to by AP SAIGON PETRO from the very beginning of the company's establishment and has lasted for the past 10 years and is reinforced daily by AP SAIGON PETRO's staff of more than 100 employees. : Sales staff always closely and understand the needs of customers, Research and development staff always update production technology trends, propose the most suitable lubrication solutions, team Production staff always ensure stable quality on each batch of products.


    To show the gratitude of the company as well as to make the Conference more exciting, AP SAIGON PETRO held a lucky draw with attractive gifts such as Asanzo 40inch Full HD LED TV, Shimono SM 918 Steam Fan. , Kachi self-suction pressure washer and many high-class Saigon Petro helmets. At the same time, customers who order even a bucket of Saigon Petro lubricant products right at the Conference can also participate in a promotion program of great value.


    The conference ended successfully, AP SAIGON PETRO believes that the trust in lubricant products in particular and in the reputation and potential of our company in general has been strengthened not only in the hearts of all not only customers present at the Conference but also be enhanced in the thinking of agents and distributors who are partners who have been and will accompany with us throughout the next long journey.

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