Tiếng Việt Tiếng Anh
    Surely we all know that diesel engines are more fuel efficient and stronger than gasoline engines, the drawback of diesel motorbikes is that they are noisy, have a bad smell and are more expensive. People who choose to buy diesel motorbikes often have the need to move on complex terrain, need heavy loads and often travel over long distances. In order for a diesel engine to operate efficiently, with low odor and fuel economy, car owners need to know how to properly care for and maintain.

    Do not turn on the air conditioner when starting the car

    Because diesel engines do not have spark plugs and the ignition process relies entirely on the battery, so for diesel motorcycles, it is not recommended to turn on the air conditioner before starting the car.

    Regular maintenance and upkeep

    This is something everyone knows, but few people do it right. If not used regularly, the car owner must also regularly start, or let the car idling. Follow a biennial or quarterly service schedule to add engine oil, coolant, change the air filter, and oil.

    Change oil on time

    Diesel engines are mainly used on specialized vehicles, trucks, pickup trucks, ... and they have a more complex structure than gasoline engines, so it is imperative to change the oil periodically for cars. If the oil is not changed at the right time, it will lead to the condition that the engine must operate in a "dry" state, after a while the machine parts will be worn, broken and the replacement and repair costs are very high. costly.


    It is recommended to change the oil for Diesel engines every 7,000 - 10,000km, but if the vehicle operates with high frequency and often heavy loads, it is best to change it every 5,000km to ensure that the engine always works well and saves money. fuel economy and safety.

    With diesel cars, it is necessary to pay attention to cleaning the injectors, cleaning the lubrication system correctly every 20,000km/time. Because for diesel motorcycles inside the combustion chamber does not use spark plugs like for gasoline motorcycles, so the fuel injectors must ensure that the fuel injector is injected, not clogged to increase the ability to explode and direct ignition.

    Change oil filter and fuel filter periodically

    After a period of use, the oil filter will accumulate a lot of dirt, clog the filter film, and the dirt will follow the oil to the engine parts, directly affecting the operation of the engine. Therefore, periodic inspection and replacement of oil and fuel filters is essential. According to the recommendations of the manufacturers, you should check the oil filter periodically after 1 to 2 months of use or after 5,000km to 7,000km of the vehicle, depending on the level of engine operation.

    Check out high-quality car lubricants here.

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